Friday, 16 June 2017

Kate's double 100wc Week #35

Dear Andrew,
Are you sometimes scared when you are in the dark?  Do you like it when you're rushed? Do you like what you're doing? How old were you when you got started doing your job that you are doing now? Do you like the dark? How did you get inspired to be a lifesaver? Do you like being a lifesaver? I am pleased that you are here to help us that are in need. You are a confident and a humongous risk- taker of a person and we are lucky to have you in our world no matter what you do.

From Kate.

Imagine you can’t see, but you need light now you say it's going to be all right but it's not, you keep on saying you're going to be all right... You rush to the hospital, you go in and share something's wrong. You try as hard as you can without any tools. You try and try but you realise that they only have 2 seconds to live with their baby and then it turned to be 1 second to live. And by the time you know it you have saved both of their lives and they name the baby Andrew.

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