Thursday 16 February 2017

Kate -100wc Week #21

There is a truth not many from skeleton to man. I say every day to myself  I feel a bit different don't you think. Then suddenly all the lights turn off like a fire has burned down all the power lines have gone then it start reminding me of the shadows coming towards me. Then I start to scream as loud as I can like I was daydreaming during class time. I started to creep down the hall wall with a torch so I wont get even more freaked out any more. Then I reach the door I was even more freaked out then I leaned over to reach the door I opened the door like there's was no one there then all the skeletons popped out at me like I was in a dream...

By Kate

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, I really liked your beginning - it really hooked me in! I loved how you used a simile to compare. Well done! From Sarah :)
