Thursday 16 February 2017

The monster - Izzie's 100wc Week #21

It was a dark Sunday night and my friend calling about school and how the chairs were moving… I felt scared once she called. I was wondering if this was real? I was going to get some popcorn for the movie and then suddenly all the lights went out! I think the power has gone off. But then I heard a noise. ’Is it what I think it is? No it can't be it! I could see two red eyes like at school. What is that? Suddenly the light went on. That was a relief. My mum came in and said is everything alright...

By Izzie

1 comment:

  1. Izzie, I found your writing really exciting and a little bit scary at the same time! I liked it when you used speech in your writing. Great job from Gem :)
